Das Vampir

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“DAS VAMPIR is an excellent and rather retro treatment of the vampire legend that restores the eponymous monster to its horrifying roots. Rich, dark, and invested with a ruthless malevolence from the get go, author Tom Reinhart instills his short story with more horrific charm than any number of longer works.”

A set of short horror stories, the Das Vampir series are exciting tales with a different perspective on vampires. They are dark and old school monster stories, more akin to Bram Stoker or Nosferatu than the glitzy vampires so common today. They are told from two perspectives; The vampire’s, with the loneliness of being undead, the fear of the sun, the hiding in nasty places, the uncontrollable need to feed on the living; and that of the victims, their fear and suffering as they fall prey to a bloodthirsty predator.

“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For I have become evil, and I have become death, and I fear only the light of day.”